Sunday, September 26, 2010

Divorce Entrance Dance

As i had a big laugh watching the wedding entrance, i just scroll over and found their next video of their Divorce Entrance Dance. Huh? I was shock after a great wedding vid and their filing for divorce? WTH?! See video below..

The video is more polish and better camera angle and ofcourse better dance move, all participants are really prepared and well practice unlike their previous vid. As usual a BIG LAUGH again for them.. and waiting for more video. I do hope on the baptismal of their baby it dance too! LOL

Hope you get fun guys as i do.. enjoy!

Dancing on their Wedding Entrance

I watched this video many times and always had a BIG laugh. I do get fun with it but don't want in my wedding day, maybe on our 10yr wedding anniversary but not for now. We plan this to be solem and organize as much as possible like the traditional Christian wedding.

Just want to share with you guys if your planning to change a little bit of your wedding entourage and put a NeYo or Chris Brown song's this gonna be look like. 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wedding Ring

Me and my fiancĂ© decided to look for our Wedding ring. A shop at Ongping, Manila was referred by my officemate where they order their wedding ring to have a discount. Its quite hard to find the place since we are not familiar with it. But after of 30 mins walk we found it, atlast! /tired

The rings they sell are pretty and look elegant they do sell necklace and earing too. Our big problem is having hard time in choosing what I want with limited budget. We fit a lot and narrow down our list depends on cost, quality and style. After of few more tries we came SIMILAR with this one...

Wedding Ring
This is tentative since we haven't handheld it yet but as soon as i have promise to post and give you updates on that. 

What do you think with our Wedding Ring? If you have any suggestions and known a good shop that offers a good quality and cheap price rings, please do leave message below.

E - Rings!

This is my first time to blogs thats why I'm excited to post what happen to me before and what is happening to me. 

Just like to share with you guys the similar engage ring that my fiancĂ© gave to me and propose on our 2nd Anniversary. I run thru net and i got the same picture below.

Engagement Ring

As he proposed I'm speechless and tears of joy fell on the ground. I do dream to be married with him but i really surprise coz i really don't have an idea that the day he will say "Will you marry me?", and tears fell and say "Yes, ofcourse!" 

Our relationship get more meaningful and excited on each day that we have each other after the proposal and counting on our W-Days. Yepeeeee!

My Wedding Dress and Color Motives

As I run over the internet looking for a nice and simple wedding gown I run with this pictures. 

Front View

Back View

I found this simple with bit of bids at the top and at the bottom and lace around my waist but a little change with the color. We chose Burgundy and Champagne for color motives. 

Burgundy                       Champagne

We already found a wedding designer that can replicate this copy, I saw their sample work and I'm confident that they can do our request and I'm excited with the output. I'll update you guys on my next post with the photos of finish product of my wedding dress.

Like to hear your opinion what you think with our color motives and my "Future" wedding dress. :)

My First Post | Funny Wedding Videos

My wedding date is near and this is my first time I make a blog. All updates and what is happening to me will be state here.

While searching for an idea for my wedding, I found this funny wedding videos at youtube. Just want to share to you guys and hope you enjoy! See yah on my next post..

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